Let's Talk Art! Aleš Votava

27/04 / 5:00 pm

For foreigners living in Slovakia, for friends and visitors from abroad, or to improve your English. Regularly, once a month, one early Thursday evening is dedicated to an English tour of current exhibitions or permanent exhibitions.
For the first time, the exhibition presents a first-rate Slovak set designer Aleš Votava as a master of art objects, an artist transcending with ease the limits of his profession (“Set design is actually a constant search outside its own borders“), a creative, inventive man with a great sense of humour. Yet, his non-commissioned work also reveals his vulnerability, doubts and worries. These are often the most intimate messages of his prematurely closed work. Votava´s objects can also be referred to as inter-objects because they are and are not jewellery, sculptures, machines, parts of costumes or stage designs.
The meeting is led by Vladislav Malast, lecturer from the Education Department, Bratislava City Gallery.
Mgr. Vladislav Malast
Gallery Educator
[email protected]